Sunday, April 6, 2008

Good Days/Moments

Today was, overall, a good day.

We went to church this morning, where I was glad to have had the foresight last week to ask the person I teach kids' church with (thanks, Helen!) to take my turn this week. Jeff ended up spending the last half of the service in a side room, stretched out on the couch and watching the service on closed-circuit TV. The plan was for my dad to drive him home if need be, but Jeff said he'd wait for me to be done so that was what he did. And at his suggestion (and my dad's not quite a suggestion), I went out for lunch after with my parents, younger sis and her family.

Upon arriving home, Jeff and I went for a walk before he decided he really wanted a pasta salad from the Penny Coffee House. So off we went, where we surprised the barista with the order of one latte and an apple juice (and a small pasta salad, natch), before popping over to London Drugs and then Petland.

Now as I sit downstairs while Jeff is upstairs watching "The Matrix" (I think) for the fourth time, I'm reminded of more of the good days and moments we've had since this all began. There was Jeff, in the hospital post-surgery, telling his dad he used to pride himself on having all his bits and pieces only to be down to one bit now. We had evenings relaxing at home, watching television and snuggling with our cat. There was the happiness last weekend when we discovered The Penny was open again after a week of renovations. And there have been the moments when we knew we had put certain things behind us and began the work of moving forward.

So yeah, this sucks. I don't understand why things are unfolding this way. I don't know what we're missing or have missed to have not received divine healing and wholeness for Jeff. But God has brought good things even out of this and I'll do my best to see and receive them . . . and remember them.


Anonymous said...

Michelle, thank you so much for your candidness and openess in blogging about your life with Jeff. It blesses me to read about your current journey. Your raise thought-provoking issues. What exactly is faith? How do we increase it? How much is needed before God will move on our behalf? When Jesus walked the earth and people came to Him to be healed, He turned no one away. Do you think each person He healed had the same amount of faith? Some came to Him because they actually saw Him heal someone else. Some because they heard He was healing. Some because they felt they had nothing to lose. All different levels of faith, and He healed them all. And you know what. I believe many came to Him not believing but just to see what would happen, and He healed them. So I don't think faith is something we need to work up to make something happen. But alas, I don't have all the answers either. Thanks for making me think.

Mary Beth

crosscribe said...

*hugs* and thanks, Mary Beth!