Saturday, April 19, 2008

:-/ . . . :-)

Don't get me wrong -- we have had a really good week overall. Jeff shaved his head (well, he decided to rather than watch his long-ish hair fall out and I actually 'did the deed'), we had a couple of nice evenings out, things went well overall for me at work, Jeff is getting his strength and appetite back *and* he played bass with the praise and worship team before Thursday night's family ministry night at our church.

We even were not all that stressed out by the fender bender we were involved in today.

But I'm finding it can be one thing to say "This next round of treatments will go well and it'll be the last one!" and another thing to really have the confidence in your heart it will happen.

Then I realize that isn't the best thing to be confessing and then (best of all, really!) I'm reminded I'm not in this alone. Jesus already went and provided for it all. I need to 'only believe'.

That doesn't sound hard, does it? And really, it shouldn't be hard.

I guess the biggest issue for me is not having things work out the way I think it should. But I was listening to a Third Day song today and one line mentioned how we must go through the valley to stand upon the mountain of God. So really, these are some valleys we're going through and I don't need to fear them because God *is* with me and He *is* with Jeff and He *has* made provision for us.

We just need to make sure we see it and lay a hold of it when we do.

And that is :-).

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