Thursday, April 3, 2008

What How Now?

Back in October of '07 when my husband confided in me that he had a hardened testicle, my main concerns were a) did we have the faith to believe for and receive God's divine healing and b) how to get him to see a doctor.

And I've been conflicted over the whole thing ever since, it seems.

My husband was reluctant to go see a doctor as his first fear was he would be diagnosed with testicular cancer, a nasty disease which took his half-brother 14 years ago and claimed the life of an uncle he never knew. My push was to get him into the doctor ASAP because a) it might not be cancer, in which case we could quit worrying and get on with things, or b) it might be cancer, in which case the sooner it was diagnosed and dealt with, the better. Either way I knew I couldn't demand he see a doctor as my husband can be a wee bit stubborn sometimes. So gentle persuasion was needed, which consisted of "Are you going to make a doctor's appointment?" (answer moved from a 'maybe' to a 'soon' over time) before progressing to "Did you make a doctor's appointment?".

Finally, in February, he made a doctor's appointment.

And that's when stuff started to happen.

There were appointments, bloodwork, scans and before we knew it, a date was set for surgery. We spent February 14th at our church's Valentine's Day banquet knowing he was going in the following Wednesday for day surgery and wondering how we were going to tell our families.

But we got through all that -- the breaking of the news, the day surgery which turned into a long day at the hospital and hubby being discharged that Sunday, and the doctor's initial diagnosis of cancer. But we were greatly encouraged by the fact his post-op blood work came back normal. No cancer! Whoot!

Then to wait for the CAT scan which we believed would confirm everything was a-okay.

And boy, did we wait! The CAT scan process took awhile as hubby got to drink some funky stuff, then we waited to see his surgeon. And waited a little bit more. Finally, we were ushered into an exam room to talk with the surgeon. Then we wondered when our world would right it's self.

And we're still waiting.

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