Saturday, April 5, 2008

A Temporary 'New Normal'

I may have posted too soon last night. I was downstairs, watching a PVRd (TiVod for any Americans!) episode of "The Daily Show", when in the midst of Jon Stewart declaring Chris Matthews to have been "Burned!" by Barack Obama (or he was ranting against President Bush -- I can't quite remember), I heard the sound of my husband being physically ill upstairs.

Not pleasant to hear, even less pleasant to have to go through.

He is doing better today, though, after a relaxing morning in bed (we didn't make breakfast, but I did discover a weird little cartoon on TV called "My Goldfish is Evil") and eating a toasted banana muffin. Apple juice also agrees greatly with him, too.

Anyhoo, Jeff made a discovery today which caused him some chagrin -- he can take his anti-nausea medication more often than he initially thought. He can take it every eight hours instead of every twelve hours like he originally thought. At least he discovered it early on and not at the end of all this.

Today's frustration stems from something we were just getting back to normal on post-surgery when wham-o, the chemo started: Jeff being able to do something for 15 minutes without needing an hour-long rest afterward. Okay, I'm exaggerating on the activity-to-rest ratio, but it's not the greatest. I'd like to suggest going out or something, but he's tuckered out after a 10 minute walk. It doesn't help he hasn't been eating much, but we're trying to get him going on eating something every few hours instead of doing '3 squares a day' which don't seem to be working. My older sister dropped off some applesauce (from younger sis!) and some boosted Boost drinks, which I brought downstairs to Jeff a little while ago. So hopefully we'll keep hitting on good foods for him to eat and good things for him to drink so he can get and keep his strength up.

And I really think someone needs to start a latte home delivery business. (I used to drink the instant ones, but then I read the ingredients list. %-P)

I'm working on another blog, so I guess I best go finish that up. And I should see if someone (coughJeffcough) has finished his Boost yet.

(Hey -- I keep forgetting to label my posts here. Though I guess they'd get a bit repetitive after awhile . . .)

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