Monday, April 21, 2008

3 or 4? How About 2 and No More?

If nothing else, much of time I have spent in the hospital with my husband is helping cultivate a lot of patience. Today, for instance, we waited for 45 minutes past his appointment time to see his doctor. About half an hour of that time was spent in an exam room where we did not discover there were magazines until 5 minutes before the doctor came it, but had discovered Jeff's one runner makes a cool squeaking sound. We tried to let the nurses know via Morse code what was going on, but I don't think any of them have been involved in Boy Scouts so our attempts were in vain.

I also got to see the room where Jeff has his treatments and meet some of the nurses he has told me about (including the one he has nicknamed Stabitha, based on the fact that until today she couldn't get his IV in on the first try). It was nice, actually, to see where he spends 3 days of 2 weeks of the month. But it did feel sort of . . . odd to be there. Like I was there, but almost intruding. But that could have just been me, too, as I am a terribly social person to begin with. ;-)

Today was sort of an out of sorts day for us, too. What we thought were 2 or 3 rounds of treatment became 3 or 4 when talking with his doctor. (Jeff's going to ask one of the nurses about the change tomorrow, but he figures it's just the doctor making sure he has all his bases covered.) On the plus side, however, he is being taken off one of the drugs which he could only have administered once/week which meant he went in the past two Mondays for treatments instead of having two full weeks between the 3-day treatment.

Another plus side is I baked the lasagna my sister Diane made for us. Suffice it to say I'll be asking for the recipe as Jeff ate *3* pieces! (And it was just plain delicious!) Boy, my mom and sisters have been fantastic in regards to making sure we stay well-fed! My older sister Susan bought us a variety of 'meals in a bowl' from M&M Meat Shoppe (delicious, nutritious and *fast* (unless using the microwave at work)!); my mom made soups, breakfast cookies (they rock!) and there have been cookies and applesauce and just so much done by them and just all of our family and our church family . . . I don't know if I can ever properly thank them all.

We are blessed.

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