Saturday, April 12, 2008

So I'm Feeling Kinda Crappy and . . .

. . . rather than bottle it all up inside, I decided to let some friends know about it. And you know what? They didn't freak out or come down on me for it or anything. And in the process, they made me feel a whole lot better. So for that (and for them!) I am most thankful.

One thing that sort of amazes me, I guess, about all this is how well some people think I'm handling it. I tend to chalk that up to everyone not being a witness to my freaking out moments. ;-) But I'm trying to be upfront about when I'm feeling, well, crappy and having questions and all that. So maybe I'm handling things okay, y'know? And did I mention I can be pretty hard on myself?

Last night was a frustrating night that actually turned out pretty good. Jeff was out for the most of the day, but made a valiant effort to be up and mobile so we could go out. But alas, it was not to be. I ended up getting some stuff done around the house before picking up some Gatorade and juice for him and a snack for myself. We then watched some TV together before he went to bed. I zonked out on the couch for a bit before finally making it to bed too. In retrospect, not a bad night. And we had a nice coffee out this afternoon.

Then . . . I get to feeling all weird and down and all that in Chapters, of all places (I love books!). I was reminded of so many things I hadn't done, it seems, and yeah. Bleah. So I took a nap when I got home. Still felt bleah. So I talked to some people about it and then you have the start of this post.

And now I'm feeling pretty good. And I'm thankful for that.

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