Wednesday, September 10, 2008

No Good Title Idea, Just Some Thoughts

So I'm looking back over this blog and one of the things I'm noticing is how little proof reading/editing I've done with my entries.


Though I wouldn't say it's entirely a bad thing as I really just wanted, I think, to just write what I was feeling or what Jeff & I were going through at the moment, even it it wasn't all 'neat and tidy'. I won't say I've never used the backspace key or whatever, but I've tried to just be honest.

Looking back, though, I'm sort of just "Wow!" that we've come this far (glory to God for that!!). Jeff's back at work full-time, I've had changes and such at my own work place and yeah. Different things come up and we go to each other (or it's probably more Jeff going to me) and say we've come through some pretty tough stuff so we can make it through this, too.

The only thing we're having problems dealing with is all the high-calorie drinks/puddings/meal supplements in our fridge. Jeff plain doesn't want them and I plain don't need them.

This, too, shall pass. ;-)